Melinda Haas

  • Assistant Professor, GSPIA

Haas studies law and international security, with her current research focusing on how congressional regulation can have unintended effects on the types of covert action used in U.S. foreign policy. Her other research interests include foreign policy decision-making, intelligence and secrecy, as well as international and constitutional law. She is also interested in archival work in qualitative and mixed-method research.

Education & Training

  • PhD, Princeton University, 2021

Representative Publications

Melinda Haas and Keren Yarhi-Milo, “To Disclose or Deceive? Sharing Secret Information between Aligned States,” International Security, Vol. 45, No. 3 , pp. 122–161, Winter 2020/21.

Michael Poznansky and Melinda Haas, “As US-China Competition Grows, Will Covert Regime Change Make a Return?” The Diplomat, (2020).