Why Support the Political Science Department?
Your generous contributions augment our ability to support:
- graduate and undergraduate research
- student travel for conferences
- guest speakers and invited experts
- outreach and recruitment activities
To support these and other activities of the Department of Political Science, donate to the Political Science Development Fund. Gifts to the Political Science Development Fund have a direct impact on our ability to engage in research activities and teaching enrichment.
The generosity of alumni and friends has created numerous funds used to support faculty research and student scholarship. To support one of the funds below, please type the fund name in the “Other” field when giving online, or in the subject line of your check.
Bert Rockman Fund was established in 2013. These funds support the Center for the Study of American Politics and Society and graduate studies in American Politics.
Susan Hansen Fund has been established to celebrate the career of Susan B. Hansen, who will retire from the University of Pittsburgh in 2012 after 32 years of service as a distinguished member of the faculty in Political Science. This fund will support research activities and events in the department related to the study of women in politics. To support this fund, please click here.
The Political Science Development Fund provides general support to the Political Science Department.
John Bracken Political Science Undergraduate Award provides an annual award to two high performing undergraduate political science students.
Daniel H. Wallace Chair of Political Science supports a faculty member in civic government.
Maurice Falk Professorship of Politics supports a professorship and related expenses (i.e. travel, supplies, etc.).
George S. Hart Memorial Student Resource Fund supports undergraduate students by providing funds for the purchase of books or other relevant materials as determined by the chair.
Holbert N. Carroll Memorial Fund supports curriculum and program development in the area of American Government and Politics, or for scholarship aid for study and travel abroad for students pursuing a degree in the area of American Government and Politics.
Morris and Eleanor Ogul Fund provides an annual award to an outstanding senior undergraduate political science major who emphasizes the study of United States Government and Politics.
Gary J. Rathburn Undergraduate International Research Fund supports undergraduate research with preference for research that is international in scope.
Richard Cottam Memorial Prize is used to provide a prize to a political science student. Dr. Richard Cottom was a professor of political science at the University of Pittsburgh from 1958 to 1990. He had studied in Tehran, Iran as a Fulbright scholar in 1951 through 1952 and had worked for the State Department in the Iran Embassy from 1950-1958. During his 32 year tenure at Pitt, Dr. Cottam became recognized internationally as an expert on Iran. His knowledge of Iran was highly valued following the seizure of U.S. hostages at the American embassy in November 1979. Dr. Cottam served as a go-between for the State Department with Iranian government officials. Dr. Cottam died in August of 1997. This endowment was created in his memory by family, friends and colleagues.
Elsie C. Umberger and Horace J. Umberger Memorial Fund is used to further the goals and enhance the excellence of the department, as determined by the chair. Mr. Umberger died in June 1996 after a long career in public service. He graduated from Pitt in 1943 as a political science major. After combat service in World War II, he returned to Pitt to earn a law degree in 1949 and a master’s degree in political science in 1951.
The following options are available for your quick and easy donation:
Online: Use the convenient online service by following this link. When donating online, please fill in your general contact information on the first page. On the second page, check “Political Science Development Fund” or type a fund name in the “Other” field.
By Mail: You can also send your check made payable to the University of Pittsburgh. Indicate the fund name on the subject line of your check. Send to:
University of Pittsburgh
Records Management
Park Plaza
128 North Craig Street
Pittsburgh, PA 15260
By phone: Call the University of Pittsburgh at 1-800-817-8943.
Thank you very much for your generosity!